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The Renegade Faction

This small faction of battle medics are former members of the Saints Faction who betrayed and abandoned the group of religious zealots. They were pious and highly trained in the healing arts, aiding their comrades both on and off the battlefield. Through the power of their prayers the sick and wounded were healed. Many of the Saints soldiers called them the “miracle medics” because of the immediacy and efficiency in which their prayers were answered by the deities. Reverence for them grew within the Saints Faction and they were honored by the Holy Leader himself. The reverence did not last however. The Eminences of Faith grew jealous of the fame and love the “miracle medics” were receiving and started accusing them of being seduced by magic, some even called them “mutants without horns”. During the battle for Burgundar the Renegades say they found their true faith and purpose. They believe that they directly connect to magic energy and are able to manipulate it with their prayers, rather than the deities simply answering their prayers. Their words were viewed as heresy even while they protested that their abilities were divine blessings. The Renegades were caught between the beliefs they were taught and the realities they faced at Burgundar.


Around this time it was rumored that a Saint had fallen in love with a member of the Boogeymen Faction, their greatest enemy, and it is unknown whether or not this betrayer was one of the “miracle medics” or not. However, the medics began disappearing, captured by their comrades and taken to the Zion compound to unknown ends. It is said that the betrayer Saint with a Boogeymen lover lead the remaining medics in their abandonment of the Saints Faction. They stayed in hiding until they were able to make contact with the LoSPOE Faction and give them vital information to aid in the victory over the Saints for the Burgundar Territory.


In their new alliance with the LoSPOE and Boogeymen Factions, they share the distaste for the Saints Faction that now calls them traitors. They bear this chip on their shoulders proudly as they work with the LoSPOES and Boogeymen to rebuild Burgundar as a trifecta.

The Renegade Faction Structure: 

The Renegades still honor the Deities of the Saint’s religion but not the doctrines. They still believe that stimulants help them communicate with the divine through hallucination, but they do not believe that they need to kill and conquer to prove their worthiness to enter Heaven. Instead of a religious leader and Eminences, they focus on individual worship and so they appointed an especially gifted and intelligent individual as the faction leader who was given the title Professor. A rough structure was then formed around the exchange of knowledge.

Saints Faction Strucutre (7).png

A Teacher is one who is deemed skilled enough with herbs, chemistry, biology, and prayer to pass on their knowledge to an Pupil. A Pupil is someone who has been chosen and is being taught by a Teacher. Teachers and Pupils are the more scholarly of the two branches of the faction. They are philosophical, great thinkers, researchers, and stimulant makers. The second branch is made up of Priests and Disciples. A priest is one who is deemed skilled enough in combat, biology, and prayer to pass on their knowledge to a Disciple. A Disciple is someone who has been chosen and is being taught by a Priest. Priests and Disciples are more representative of what people think of when they think of the “miracle medic” of the Saints’ Faction. They are knowledgeable in the healing and medical needs in battle and are skilled enough combatants to survive in a battle so they can continue healing fallen soldiers.

The Renegade Faction Law: 

  • Honor the Deities

  • Give aid to any good soul that asks for it.

  • Obey your Teacher or your Priest

  • Only your Teacher, your Priest, or the Professor may deem that you have surpassed the role of Pupil or Disciple.

  • Teachers and Priests may only have three Pupils or Disciples at a time and may select whom they choose from their applicants.

  • The Professor has the wisdom to select their successor.

  • Those that murder outside of self-defense, or the defense of the Faction and the Faction's interests shall face punishment determined by the Professor. 

Common Renegade Names: 

Nettle, Marrow, Rosemary, and Hymn

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